Thursday, November 18, 2010

Forever 21 Logo! (:

I've always loved shopping and there is no doubt that Forever 21 is one of my favorite stores! Since they don't really have a logo yet, I decided that Forever 21 was the perfect store to make a logo for. I had some ideas to start off with, which consisted of like Walmart's old logo. the forever than a star and than 21 but after I had made it, I realized that the first one I created fit what Forever 21 is trying to get at : modern, fashion, and glamour. The diamond is representing the sparkly part of Forever 21, because we all know when you think of Forever 21, you think "ooooh, sparkles!" Making the diamond was a bit of a challenge because when Aisha came over to help me, it really took a while to make sure everything looked even. I picked a different border just to give it a different feel. The font was the hardest part because at first I wanted something curvy but than decided against it. A font that was modern was the way to go, so that's what I went with.
Overall, it was fun!

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